Now, I know people say I'll appreciate my baby face when I'm 30, but what about when I'm 25? I am more than three years older than her! Now, granted, my sister and I do look very much alike, but twins? PUH-lease.
Some differences: I have dark, dark hair, hers is lighter. I have generous freckles everywhere, she has hardly a blemish. She has the daintiest 'tennis arms,' sadly, I don't. She can do long division, I went through 6 years of college without ever taking real math. She carries a Gucci purse, I wouldn't dream of it (not that it's a bad thing.) She can pull off flats and still look cute, I can pull off flats, and look, honestly, flat. The list goes on...
However, I would not hesistate to say I was a twin with Andrea if it meant that I could steal some of her best qualities. Like... patience (is a virtue) ease with numbers, & self-confidence.
But, the truth is, she is my best friend, my confidant and the coolest girl I know. But I don't think I'd have to steal those away from her. I'm pretty sure she'd say I am that for her, too.
Plus, who is the first person I call when I want to eat 6 Ralph's cupcakes all at once?
I call that almost 22-year-old I know, that's who.
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