What is it about Sundays? Sunday mornings, Sunday afternoons, Sunday evenings...
On one hand there's relief because it's Sunday, and Sunday should be a day of rest. But there's also a sense of anxiety, for me at least...
Is it wrong to simply do laundry and sleep and read? Shouldn't I be down frolicking in the blue muddy waters of the pacific, bbq-ing with friends in the heat of Los Angeles, taking long strolls down the promenade in oversized sunglasses? Not neccesarily...
So what to do with a Sunday? Aside from cupcake eating, of course...
Let's go with scenario 1: Say you wake up at a boy's house (may he be your steady or quite possibly, something else entirely) but regardless... perhaps you two go to breakfast or brunch or whatever it is people can't seem to get enough of in L.A., judging by the obnoxious crowd at Toast on a late Sunday morning. I mean, WHAT could be so good to warrant a two hour wait on 3rd street. Oh, that's right, it's the SCENE... so sorry.
(On a side note, whether it's Toast, or a hole in the wall cafe, I have not been known to enjoy the perks of what you folk call 'Sunday Brunch.' BUT- I now believe I could be swayed into this so-called 'morning rite-of-passage... Are there cupcakes at brunch?)
Back to scenario 1... You're at Toast with your boy (friend, toy, feel free to 'fill in the blank,') and you wait your allotted two hours, and you eat, and then you nonchalantly decide to go to the beach, because really, what else do you have to do? Oh, except for all of the 1,372 things that you meant to catch up on during the week, but that thing you do 10 hours a day got in the way... your job.
But what the hell, right? It's Sunday, and it's 100 degrees, so the beach sounds perfect. However, you then realize you're in L.A., and since it's now 3:00PM (remember the 4 hour Toast experience,) you actually can't get to the beach, because traffic is unbearable. This is of course due to socialite #895 who was talking on her fancy new i phone (OMG that thing is HOT) and crashed her car into a telephone poll. I love L.A.
With the beach idea slowly fading from memory, you opt for the boring mundane tasks of Sunday- errands. But hey, at least you're doing it together...
Scenario 2: You wake up in your own bed and you think, my goodness... you have nothing to do. And this, my friend, is the best news you have gotten all week. After a 16 mile run on Saturday, you want this day. A cupcake-free day that is yours and only yours.
You can do anything...
You can stay in bed wrapped in cool white sheets.
You can read to your heart's content... still in bed.
You can do your laundry in peace.
You can walk to the park and lay in the sun.
You can listen to a full hour of the NPR's 'Wait, Wait,' just because.
You can go for a walk without running.
You can go for a bike ride with no destination.
You can meet your grandparents for dinner, and know you made their day.
You can be... happy.