A little background:
In case you weren't aware, the bow ties name originated from the French word 'jabot' (pronounced ja-bow) a type of lace tie worn in the 17th century. In 1886 the tuxedo was invented, bringing with it the popular black bow tie still worn today.
Well, I don't know about 'popular' today, but a bow tie has its own place and time. I for one prefer long ties, but on the right boy a proper bow tie can be adorable and endearing.
This brings me back to Elton.
I believe he was wearing a red bow tie to match his red shoes and his red piano. Not only did he play, but he played a set; a real set with sips of water in between songs and a little audience banter mixed in. This will sound trite, but it was magical.
Oh, and I attended the event as a guest of Anheuser-Busch so I was sitting at the best table in the ballroom, compliments of Budweiser (and Grover) thank you.
But I think the best part of the evening (aside from acting like it was prom at 25) was the bow ties.
No... not the bow ties... The idea that in this city of angels and silicone and superficiality, you can throw on a gown and heels, curl your hair, grab a clutch and attend The Billies, an awards show honoring the outstanding achievements of women in sports. From motorcycle racing, to snowboarding to swimming, the women onstage last night were who I would hope my daughter(s) (should I have girls) will choose as their role models. With so many negative images and influences impacting girls/ women on a daily basis (in part a large reason why I cannot let go of cupcakes) it was truly inspiring to witness firsthand the athletic successes of my piers.
Ms. Billie Jean King- I was honored.
Grover... thank you. Shenanigans.
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