Monday, April 21, 2008

Old-School Cupcake

I think I feel old. But young. Makes perfect sense, right? There is always this feeling that I am just getting started, but that I need to ground myself in something permanent, too. I wonder if this ever changes...

But, I love a good list (and cupcake) whether I'm 25 or 26 so here are a few bullet points -shout out to badass desena- I hold dear at my ripe old age of 25 and 364 days.

1. I love LA. It only took three years and some serious heartbreak/ rediscovery, but I do.
2. I love being in love. Even if it's with a city. I would prefer it be with a boy, but those things just happen. And I know it will, again.
3. I love knowing these things.


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