But I digress. While running near my place, I passed several very Jewish families. And by very Jewish, I mean Hasidic. Now, let me set the record straight. I do not claim to know anything whatsoever about this sect of Judaism. Yes, I had a Bat Mitzvah (You wish you could have been there. There was a band.) And yes, I was confirmed and shipped off to Israel for 6 weeks, which, by the way, ended up being one of the best trips I have taken to date.
Needless to say, I am not an uber-jew (sorry, Mom) but nevertheless, I am Jewish and feel fortunate to have been raised as such. So, here is my reform take on being a M.O.T. For all of you non-jews out there (considering I know like 4 jews this is most of you) M.O.T stands for Member of the Tribe. Wait, maybe it's a double 'T.' Oy vey...
Anyway, please observe...
1. We get 2 days off (not really) during the year that you don't. Ha.
2. We all have slighty overbearing (but incredibly loving) mothers.
3. We can read Hebrew, but have no idea what it means. (Most of us.)
4. We can still recite all the prayers we learned at age 13. Verbatim.
5. We throw the best weddings/ parties around.
6. We know how to repent.
7. We created challah. (Holla! Please, like you wouldn't.)
8. We celebrate 8 crazy nights... of presents.
Among many other things, being Jewish reminds me of family and tradition and love and song and prayer. I am thankful to have grown up with this in my life, and I hope to carry on the Passover sedar and Rosh Hashanah dinner with my own family. (Except for the cooking part... well, maybe that comes later.)
One other thing I forgot to mention... I might have to fit in some Christmas music. You know how I feel about Christmas. Obsessed.
And what is a holiday without green and red (and blue) frosted cupcakes? Right, not a holiday at all.
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