I'm ready for my close up...
I take that back. I am thoroughly confused by the profession of modeling/ celebrity in general. Here we are, the general public (men and women) led to believe that this is the standard we should strive for; emaciated girls with perma-frowns (most likely out of hunger) who waltz down a runway in a size 0.
I see the magazine covers and let me tell you, the standard is an illusion.
For the majority of the time, I can usually take the intellectual highroad to remind myself that this fake paradigm is the creation of a team of people, most importantly a very talented airbrusher. But sometimes, the market becomes so completely saturated with this unreal idea of beauty, that it is much too easy to be swept up in the golden utopian image of what is seemingly called... perfection.
And that is when the cupcakes win... But now, thanks to a little company called 3-ball, I might have a chance to come to terms with the cupcakes once and for all.
Stay tuned...
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