Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Honey & the CupcakeMoon

Should anyone spend more then 30 minutes with me (I hope you would) they will soon realize that when I fall madly, completely in love, I fall hard. And fast, and for what I believe is my forever.

But, for once in my short 25 years, it is not a boy I am referring to tonight. While I have before, and I could be now, my primary thought for the aformentioned little prelude is a song... Honey & the Moon.

I can fall for a boy, or I can fall for a song. Right now, 'music is my boyfriend' so maybe it is one in the same.

Honey & the Moon is an alluring, hauntingly beautiful song with a melody that I will never tire of, and which may contain the most breathtaking lyric I can remember hearing. Joseph Arthur sings in a choked whisper, If you weren't real, I would make you

It's that short, and that simple, but I can't describe in words how much I love this line, and how I secretly harbor a serious amount of jealously that I did not pen it myself. I find even more distress in the fact that this song was released six years ago and only now was I able to listen... at 3 in the morning courtesy of a gifted music conessuire. And a boy who is kind and loving and stronger than even he realizes... Thank you...

I think every young girl imagines who that forever someone will be... but I have seen that the person we dream of is hardly the person we end up loving always. So, to turn a childhood fantasy around into an adult reality is beautiful, in my humble opinion.

1 comment:

Crane Chick said...

Two favorite songs of all time (the list is longer, but let's say two for now):
"The Luckiest" by Ben Folds Five
"Everlasting Friend" by Blue October

And no. Not "Somebody" by Depeche Mode because that is everyone else's favorite song.

Enjoy your song crush.