Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kiss Me Cupcake

Just because Valentine's Day has come and gone, doesn't mean love has left the air.

Oh please, stop sitting there with your jaw lying on the floor. I am not talking about myself. (If I was, there would mountains to shout from and worlds colliding; in a good way.) However, that mini-heart in the middle has two little words that aside from those 'big three' every girl wants to hear a boy say (and mean) are next in line in the almanac of romance. Write that down.

A true kiss is the kind that makes your stomach drop into your toes. A kiss can make your head swirl and your mind go blank. A kiss can be more intimate than anything else you learned in school (or otherwise.)

Of course, a kiss can also be confusing and there can at times be an occasional shoving of the tongue when you just want to scream, RELAX! I am not going ANYWHERE. Take a breath. If not for your sake, then for mine.'

When this occurs, you must wade the delicate waters to find the right time (let it not be too early) to say to this boy, P.S. MacGyver, there's nothing doing in the depths of my asophogus. Less is MORE.

Because let's face it. You are the queen of the make out session. (If not you, then me.) And anything that appears to be not of the 'kiss that makes you swoon' variety is absolutely not your fault. Of course, people have different styles of kissing, but there is a fragile line between 'style' and well, 'sloppy.' Am I right? Write that down.

But... the amazing quality of a kiss is that you do it over and over and over again... A kiss is free. So is love for that matter. A kiss is the the easiest way to say 'I like you.' And maybe even, 'I love you.'

And if you kiss her and then pull out a cupcake (or two) from seemingly nowhere, well, that my lovecake... is even better.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Honey & the CupcakeMoon

Should anyone spend more then 30 minutes with me (I hope you would) they will soon realize that when I fall madly, completely in love, I fall hard. And fast, and for what I believe is my forever.

But, for once in my short 25 years, it is not a boy I am referring to tonight. While I have before, and I could be now, my primary thought for the aformentioned little prelude is a song... Honey & the Moon.

I can fall for a boy, or I can fall for a song. Right now, 'music is my boyfriend' so maybe it is one in the same.

Honey & the Moon is an alluring, hauntingly beautiful song with a melody that I will never tire of, and which may contain the most breathtaking lyric I can remember hearing. Joseph Arthur sings in a choked whisper, If you weren't real, I would make you

It's that short, and that simple, but I can't describe in words how much I love this line, and how I secretly harbor a serious amount of jealously that I did not pen it myself. I find even more distress in the fact that this song was released six years ago and only now was I able to listen... at 3 in the morning courtesy of a gifted music conessuire. And a boy who is kind and loving and stronger than even he realizes... Thank you...

I think every young girl imagines who that forever someone will be... but I have seen that the person we dream of is hardly the person we end up loving always. So, to turn a childhood fantasy around into an adult reality is beautiful, in my humble opinion.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cris Cross Cupcakes

Is mercury in retrograde right now? Please tell me so...

My emails are crossing and getting lost and not sending and bouncing back.

Pretty much how I feel today. I am being pulled in 3,814 directions at work and I don't even know where to begin... Maybe if I just stopped and breathed and tapped and hummed I might feel better.

But then again... maybe if I eat a kupkake (JUST ONE) it might help...

Newsflash kids: IT. WON'T.

Monday, February 18, 2008

America's Next TOP Cupcake

I wonder if there is such a thing as a 'professional cupcake model.' If there was, I would be a prime candidate. I thinks it's fair to say I have the looks (no time for modesty) and most definitely the cupcake obsession- oh, and the somethin' somethin' to prove it.

I'm ready for my close up...

I take that back. I am thoroughly confused by the profession of modeling/ celebrity in general. Here we are, the general public (men and women) led to believe that this is the standard we should strive for; emaciated girls with perma-frowns (most likely out of hunger) who waltz down a runway in a size 0.

I see the magazine covers and let me tell you, the standard is an illusion.

For the majority of the time, I can usually take the intellectual highroad to remind myself that this fake paradigm is the creation of a team of people, most importantly a very talented airbrusher. But sometimes, the market becomes so completely saturated with this unreal idea of beauty, that it is much too easy to be swept up in the golden utopian image of what is seemingly called... perfection.

And that is when the cupcakes win... But now, thanks to a little company called 3-ball, I might have a chance to come to terms with the cupcakes once and for all.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Will you be my Cupcake?

Ah, 'tis the day of love.

The day of valentine notes, grand gestures and sweet nothings... and... the day of overpriced flowers, too much chocolate and gratuitous pda.

But who I am to get down on those who celebrate love...
I celebrate love. The love of my irreplaceable family, my amazing friends and the love of a boy that in the end, was what I needed to learn who I was... I once heard;

"Good things fall apart, so better things can fall together."

This, I believe...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Enlightened Cupcake

Would anyone like to enlighten me to the meaning of the phrase to the left? I believe that this one went straight over my head as cupcakes will always be a majority in my life in some form or another.

But speaking of over my head... Do you know I can almost do a pull-up now? (And by pull-up I mean a slight bend of the elbows.) However, it is true that I do feel different. Whether this feeling of 'different' goes so far as to affect my physique remains to be seen, but please note, the feeling is there and I am happy to report, it feels good.

Yes, I have eaten cupcakes since I last wrote in the first month of the new year. Even though I swore off them on January 1, 2008, it goes as they say... absence makes the heart grow fonder. This rings true for both cupcakes, and its more common use, for people.

I have accepted certain things in my life in this year of 2008 and having this acceptance is making my life that much better and easier and more fun to live. I am still not as bubbly as I would like to be, but focusing on myself means being quiet sometimes and understanding that great change does not happen overnight.

Nor does leaving the beautiful vanilla on vanilla cupcake sitting there forlorn in the grocery store... but I do... and I have, and I will.