Oh please, stop sitting there with your jaw lying on the floor. I am not talking about myself. (If I was, there would mountains to shout from and worlds colliding; in a good way.) However, that mini-heart in the middle has two little words that aside from those 'big three' every girl wants to hear a boy say (and mean) are next in line in the almanac of romance. Write that down.
A true kiss is the kind that makes your stomach drop into your toes. A kiss can make your head swirl and your mind go blank. A kiss can be more intimate than anything else you learned in school (or otherwise.)
Of course, a kiss can also be confusing and there can at times be an occasional shoving of the tongue when you just want to scream, RELAX! I am not going ANYWHERE. Take a breath. If not for your sake, then for mine.'
When this occurs, you must wade the delicate waters to find the right time (let it not be too early) to say to this boy, P.S. MacGyver, there's nothing doing in the depths of my asophogus. Less is MORE.
Because let's face it. You are the queen of the make out session. (If not you, then me.) And anything that appears to be not of the 'kiss that makes you swoon' variety is absolutely not your fault. Of course, people have different styles of kissing, but there is a fragile line between 'style' and well, 'sloppy.' Am I right? Write that down.
But... the amazing quality of a kiss is that you do it over and over and over again... A kiss is free. So is love for that matter. A kiss is the the easiest way to say 'I like you.' And maybe even, 'I love you.'
And if you kiss her and then pull out a cupcake (or two) from seemingly nowhere, well, that my lovecake... is even better.