Can you imagine a little boy (or a big boy for that matter) calling his buddy anything but, well, buddy? Boys can be so awkward...
Even amongst girlfriends we have nicknames for each other- sweetie, hun or hunny (always with a 'u' p.s.) lovah, loves, b, jc, stink, chuck, etcera, etcera.
Nicknames go for sisters too...I have been (and always will be) shay-she or shaysh to my little sis.
In high school I was glick (a last name I could never get used to as a first) and at santa barabara it was a free-for-all; I was shane, shanes, shana-thew, na-na (thanks b) and a favorite, shana audrey. Now in LA, I am shan at work (still pronounced shane) and occasionally sugar shana... a nickname I could get used to.
But the worst culprits of nickname abuse are certain couples who I truly believe have forgotten, never known or possibly can't articulate one another's names. The truth is, I quite like a nickname now and again. It's intimate and sweet and only someone who actually cares will go there. I'm telling you, I am ok with a 'baby' here and a 'babe' there (I myself prefer cupcake or sugar,) but it's when those around you can't tell the difference between your babe and his baby, that you babe, have a problem.
So, as an expert, I have devised one full-proof way of curing the nickname epidemic that has gripped my little LA existence...
Eat cupcakes?
It's only temporary, but for those 30 seconds, you are just another baby or babe with a mouthful of cupcake... sugar.
1 comment:
And nicknames always make us into who we are. Who would Jenny Charles be without being JC? We become that person, we become that nickname...as for me I am a honey not a baby kind of girl. :)And every couple should use each others name at least once a day.
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