A jewish wedding, that's what.
After being in the solar cooker that was Denver, CO for 2 days, and seeing more roses than I ever thought existed in the rocky mountains, I truly believe that there is not a white rose left in all of the greater United States. I also believe that a very, VERY open bar at a wedding is absolutely vital to its success. Inviting 500 people? Not so much, but 10 types of beer for the taking; an added bonus most definitely.
This is what gets me about having a small country at your wedding- it is guaranteed that you do not care, or even necessarily want at least 300 (or possibly more) of those guests at your wedding. I can see needing to accomodate a lot of people. I myself have an extended family that could rival a pro football team, but 500? Nooooooooooo.
Let me tell you the best part about the wedding (aside from the glorious dance called the 'horah' that was by far the highlight of the weekend)-- it was, (hands down) the fact that the food was so unbearably terrible that I didn't eat hardly a thing either night- save for the frosting off 2 cupcakes at the rehearsal dinner. (I was not at all suprised that the dessert of choice Saturday evening was cupcakes-- of course it was!) And really, I am just being cheeky, but honestly... fried chicken and beans? Even as an ode to barbeque... ew.
Needless to say, the need to overcompensate was rearing its ugly head yesterday when I was welcomed back to Los Angeles by the 100 degree oven that hovered outside every door. What else am I supposed to do if I can't go outside for fear of a meltdown- in the most literal sense possible. Eat? Luckily, the Grove beckoned from 2 blocks away, and the park became a beautiful setting for a nice nap just as dusk washed over LA...
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