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Because I am a slave to my job, (at least until October 13) it seems as though I am living in a monstrous black hole that is only going to grow until I can breath a huge sigh of relief post-fashion everthing come mid-October.Now in months past, the intense stress from crazy hours and in my mind, unrealistic expectations might have led to cupcakes (not one, but 10.)However, I'd like to think that a floor-length gown, and a mask that sparkles can take a girl's mind off cupcakes. And it did...
Pow, pow.... pow.Pow. NO cupcakes tonight. More writing tomorrow.
Medidate me cupcake. Encircle me in your sweet sugary goodness.Take me away, from what I do everyday, and make me feel better today.(Couldn't resist.)Working this much could make anyone want to rhyme on the fly.
Is there anything better than waking up on a Sunday morning to a clear crisp day after the rain?I didn't think so.Although eating cupcakes for breakfast runs a close second.
Friday's food for thought as it rains on stanley for the first time in many, many moons...Monster, monster... You come in many forms... cupcakes (only sometimes), nightmares that scare, work that takes everything and the neverending uncertainty that comes with living in LA at 25.Now and then it's too easy to think you're still there under my bed. Who knew it would simply take a leap into the taboo to change the cupcakes to (not cupcakes,) the nightmares to sheep, the work to just 'work' and the uncertainty to... well, that one is a little more involved. At any rate (as my Dad would say) not me.I'm a believer...
Let's talk nicknames.Can you imagine a little boy (or a big boy for that matter) calling his buddy anything but, well, buddy? Boys can be so awkward...Even amongst girlfriends we have nicknames for each other- sweetie, hun or hunny (always with a 'u' p.s.) lovah, loves, b, jc, stink, chuck, etcera, etcera.Nicknames go for sisters too...I have been (and always will be) shay-she or shaysh to my little sis. In high school I was glick (a last name I could never get used to as a first) and at santa barabara it was a free-for-all; I was shane, shanes, shana-thew, na-na (thanks b) and a favorite, shana audrey. Now in LA, I am shan at work (still pronounced shane) and occasionally sugar shana... a nickname I could get used to.But the worst culprits of nickname abuse are certain couples who I truly believe have forgotten, never known or possibly can't articulate one another's names. The truth is, I quite like a nickname now and again. It's intimate and sweet and only someone who actually cares will go there. I'm telling you, I am ok with a 'baby' here and a 'babe' there (I myself prefer cupcake or sugar,) but it's when those around you can't tell the difference between your babe and his baby, that you babe, have a problem.So, as an expert, I have devised one full-proof way of curing the nickname epidemic that has gripped my little LA existence...Eat cupcakes?It's only temporary, but for those 30 seconds, you are just another baby or babe with a mouthful of cupcake... sugar.
Lil' sister birthday.
If little means twenty-two.
Here's a cupcake, stink.
I have eaten many a cupcake. I have eaten grocery store cupcakes and gourmet cupcakes. I have made cupcakes in my college kitchen on a cliff overlooking the ocean in Isla Vista, but for the first time this weekend I realized, no one has ever made cupcakes... for me.Now, truthfully, most people in my life especially in the past few years have avoided cupcakes like the plague... and for good reason. My love, hate relationship with such a simple baked good is more complex than I would like to admit, and sometimes I have fought myself on the subject. To eat, or not to eat the cupcake, or more likely, cupcakes. But there is always a first for everything, and sometimes... the past is best left right there... in the past... at least for the moment anyway.So, needless to say, a first occurred this weekend. Cupcakes were waiting for me at 10p (the hour of choice) on an almost- autumn Los Angeles evening. And really, it was good and scary and exciting all at the same time. Sweet cupcake vibes... And I managed to eat only one. (Well, maybe I took one for the rode...)
Question:Who eats a cupcake with a fork and knife?Answer:People who don't understand.
Window shopping has to be one of the best pastimes. Almost as good as people watching.
When traveling in Europe, it is nearly impossible to miss the window of a pastry, gelato or chocolate shop. The ice cream sculptures or piles of croissants are occasionally too much to bear. Trust me, one CAN live on European sweets for months at a time. I did.
So, this leads me to a little jaunt down Beverly Boulevard.
I was driving by MILK the other day (right West of La Brea on the Bevs) and I have to say, whoa... Did someone just tell somebody else that this is new spot for those that have nothing to do at 3p any given day of the week? Is it because LC & Whitney had fro yo there on the Hills? (Oh right, like they were eating ICE CREAM?!) If you own ray bans and a vest, I have good news for you. You are IN.
Ok. So this assumption may not be 100% correct. For one, I have never been there. So who am I to judge, right? Well, I can make an educated decision and that is this:
MILK. It does a body good.
But only if they carry cupcakes.
A ghost sang to me.
Across a cupcake ocean.
Go. 'I Release You.'
I am not a person who brags about being beautiful, or talented, or fabulous. (Although maybe I am all of these things. I would like to be.)
However, I do know the difference between a natural beauty and a plastic peroxide blonde.
A natural beauty doesn't force her face into a puddle of makeup. A natural beauty has sun kisses (freckles) a-plenty and doesn't hide them. A natural beauty can leave the house with only lip gloss, and maybe mascara, because really, mascara is magic.
A natural beauty doesn't want or aspire to be a Beverly Hills buxom blonde. (Unless it's for the alliteration aspect only.)
A natural beauty still glimmers even in the ever-present shadow of cupcakes.
Going out in Los Angeles is such an interesting proposal. There are so many restaurants to choose from, (some are better than others) deciding what to wear is nearly impossible considering your prom dress or chuck taylors would both be perfectly acceptable, there is no where to park, (I am fundamentally against valet because I don't understand it) the food is expensive- and rarely worth the cost, and the people you are destined to encounter are sure to warrant many hushed whispers of lust, gossip and judgment. What a combination.But, one must naviagte the muddy waters of Los Angeles to stay afloat, so I found myself at the beautiful restaurant AOC on 3rd Street on a recent Saturday night. (A perfect last minute choice I might add.) Not only was the restaurant's decor modern with a hint of classic, the food was different in that it was good. Expensive, but good.Aside from the food, the atmosphere was a little LA a little European. People were there for the food, the wine, and the company. My kind of place. (Even without cupcakes to compliment the menu.) So then, explain to me this- Why, did I still feel like people were giving me the once over? Is it LA's way of welcoming me out on the town? I don't know, but it's the distinct feeling that you stick out among the blurry crowd behind you. Sometimes standing out is good, (I'm all for being a head turner) but sometimes the feeling is confusing and uncomfortable. Welcome to LA my friends...
hey pretty cupcake.what are you staring at there.look! it's a sprinkle.
Something reminded me of the looking glass today. I can't quite put my finger on it, but one moment I was thinking about polka-dot cupcakes and the next I was imagining stepping through the looking glass. Maybe it was the photo, maybe it wasn't.A looking glass reminds me of a keyhole. A keyhole just big enough that when you put your face right up against the door, and squeeze one eye shut really tight, you just might see something. It might be polka-dot cupcakes, or it might not.I think I would like to step throught the looking glass for a day.
Hot, hot cupcake. Runner-up for the above title... But, because the band Hot Hot Heat may not be the most universal of references, I chose to go with the very well-known song, 'In the Heat of the Moment'- best used in the '40-year-old Virgin' when he bikes to get the girl he loves. Aw...
But we are not talking about love here. We are talking about HEAT! Heat in a very tangible form. The kind of heat, where you can't breath, you can't eat, you can't sleep... then again, maybe heat is like love? Who knew...
Really though, I feel like all I do is talk/complain/rant about the weather.
Life without AC in LA- Act 1.
What has 500 people, 10,000 white roses, 800 cupcakes and 12 pairs of custom nikes?
A jewish wedding, that's what.
After being in the solar cooker that was Denver, CO for 2 days, and seeing more roses than I ever thought existed in the rocky mountains, I truly believe that there is not a white rose left in all of the greater United States. I also believe that a very, VERY open bar at a wedding is absolutely vital to its success. Inviting 500 people? Not so much, but 10 types of beer for the taking; an added bonus most definitely.
This is what gets me about having a small country at your wedding- it is guaranteed that you do not care, or even necessarily want at least 300 (or possibly more) of those guests at your wedding. I can see needing to accomodate a lot of people. I myself have an extended family that could rival a pro football team, but 500? Nooooooooooo.
Let me tell you the best part about the wedding (aside from the glorious dance called the 'horah' that was by far the highlight of the weekend)-- it was, (hands down) the fact that the food was so unbearably terrible that I didn't eat hardly a thing either night- save for the frosting off 2 cupcakes at the rehearsal dinner. (I was not at all suprised that the dessert of choice Saturday evening was cupcakes-- of course it was!) And really, I am just being cheeky, but honestly... fried chicken and beans? Even as an ode to barbeque... ew.
Needless to say, the need to overcompensate was rearing its ugly head yesterday when I was welcomed back to Los Angeles by the 100 degree oven that hovered outside every door. What else am I supposed to do if I can't go outside for fear of a meltdown- in the most literal sense possible. Eat? Luckily, the Grove beckoned from 2 blocks away, and the park became a beautiful setting for a nice nap just as dusk washed over LA...