You wrap yourself in a blanket and blow out a candle. That is putting it in very basic terms and leaving out several important details.
On that note, details, details, details.
My prolonged absence from writing has been due to the fact that I have actually had a summer this year... as in, I am not working 100 hours a week, but am instead going to the beach, and waking up at 5:30a to say hoo-ya, and simply enjoying not being chained to my computer.
I have decorated my new place on cloverdale and I love the fact that when I open the door, it's all mine. Not in a selfish, possesive kind of way, but in a my space, my retreat kind of way.
I have gone up to the bay, out to Boston, and will be heading to Hawaii in less than two weeks. A real vacation for a real summer... minus the cupcakes.
1 comment:
I liked reading this. It makes me miss you!
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