However, poking is no longer solely relegated to cooking in today's world. Oh no, friends. Long ago, poking decided it was tired of being associated with only baked goods. So, like any bored adjective it began a journey of finding a second (and more popular) home on a secret (not really) networking site called facebook.
There are so many tangents and novel-esque places I could go by simply writing facebook. However, I will spare you my lengthy asides and delve right into to the fascinating world of poking.
After being poked on facebook for the 783rd time, I decided to ask- what is poking? Why is it a feature on facebook, and why do people poke when you can chat, comment, or message?
Let me tell you, I asked the right person. What I got was the best facebook message/answer I have received to date (to date being since March.) His googled definition of poking absolutely necessitates further posting so it can be shared with all. (And by all I mean the mini-audience that reads this little known labor of love.)
Background: He too was uneducated in the meaning of what is was to poke. So he did what anyone would do, and googled it:
"A poke is an Internet version of someone going up to you, extending the index finger of the right hand, gently pushing on the region of the body above the hip, and then running away and hiding behind a water fountain whilst whistling 'I'm a little teapot.'"
But he wasn't satisfied... So to find the true definition he googled it again:
"[Poking is] a great way to flirt when you don't have anything intelligent or meaningful to say."
He felt that this definition was more on point, but I disagree with the unintelligent part. In fact, I believe the opposite. And that, young readers, is your lesson in poking for the day.
It's not just for cupcakes anymore.
1 comment:
Touché ;)
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