Monday, March 31, 2008

Get that Cupcake

Before you ask, no... I did not take this photo. Some lonely kid online is now a featured photo on my little-known blog. I shall call him Emo. (Pun intended.)

I wonder if this is what I look like when eating a cupcake. Let me break it down for you just in case.

1. First things first. I do NOT like chocolate cupcakes. I find this very interesting (and you should too) because I like most things chocolate, but chocolate cupcakes are not one of them.
2. I do not like to eat the frosting and cupcake (cake) together. I believe they should be eaten separately, as in #1 frosting, #2 cake.
3. So kids... To review, frosting first and cake second.

Write that down.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I Love the 80s Cupcake

It is official. I love the 80s. I love the big hair, the colors, the leg warmers, the taffeta and toole dresses... but most of all, I love the music.

Those terrible synthesizers and amazing kaleidoscope video effects. It's love.

I could spend an entire day wondering what it would be like to be 25 in 1987. Would I wear ray bans and miniskirts? (And would I forsee both trends coming back in style 20 years later.) Would I quote Regan and the Bangles in one breath? Would I realize that this wouldn't be the last time I would have a former actor as my politician. (Thank you, Arnold.)

But alas, I missed the 80s. (Well, at least as a 20-something I missed them.) So, here I am... Twenty-five years old in the year 2008, and only 28 days left until I leave my early twenties behind, and enter the year of 26.

80s flashback please?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

With or Without Cupcake

An interesting proposition?

To frost or not to frost? That is the question. Another question is how can it be that the world is literally the size of a peanut.

Like, world = a peanut. Or a peanut (butter) chip.

For the record, I'm going with frosting... More on the smallest world theory soon.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Cupcake Day

i am not irish.
but kiss me anyway please.
we can play pretend.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Monkey Cupcake Monkey Do

Here is a good way to cease cupcake cravings...

1. Sleep in and monkey-around in the morning.
2. Pretend you have a lunch meeting. Go work out instead.
3. Pretend you are working. Don't instead.
4. Act exasperated when your VP calls an office meeting.
5. Rejoice with pure delight and curl into uncontrollable laughter when it is revealed that the above meeting is actually - a KARAOKE machine - in your office.

Working 5-days a week comes with a price. Singing the 'Beach Boys' Kokomo in front of your boss...

Priceless... ciao, cupcake.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cupcake P.S.

P.S. For the record... I do not think all boys have trouble deciphering between a girl's tongue and her tonsils or adulthood and adolescence.

My sweeping generalization is just that- a sweeping generalization. So come here, cupcake.

Collar-Up Cupcakes

Have you ever heard the saying 'when it rains, it pours'? My beautiful mother always used to say this phrase when I was growing up, be it about boys or school or life in general, really.

I would say I am using it today in terms of work since I have been rather like a social butterfly (quite proud of myself) during this week of LA fashion... But tonight I am much more interested to know if I might one day meet a boy who likes me, and well, maybe only me?

It goes something like this. I like them. They don't like me. They like me. I don't like them. We both may like each other, but we live in different cities. There is an attraction, one person is taken. (Hint- it's not me.) They are busy. I am busy. They work at night. I work all the time. And so on, and so forth.

I have never thought of myself as the 'looking' type. If it happens, it happens and usually these things happen when you're not looking. So, for a long while in my book I have been actively 'not looking' and I have met some interesting people yes... but I do feel between the boy who thinks my throat is a playpen and the one who believes 30 is the new 5-year-old, I'm beginning to think I should start...

The irony I find is that many moons ago I was sad. (It almost feels good to say that now.) And that sadness permeated the world around me and those that I love. But, and this still amazes me to this day, time does help heal and the fog did disappear and I can say today, I am happy.

Am I completely, totally content? Of course not. I have about 1,537 things to do before I turn 26 and only 40 days to do them. I still am not certain what I want to do, or where I want to live for real (sometimes LA feels pretend) or who I'll be with forever... to be continued, I suppose.

So I find myself asking... why the cutie-patootie above? (Yes, I just said cutie-patootie.) Well, for one, he has the 'collar-up' look down and he is all of four years old. Maybe he could give some pointers to the boys who have 20+ years on him, but who cannot rock the polo half as well as he. Second, he is absolutely adorable, candidly posing while holding not one, but two cupcakes.

I think I'm in love.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cupcake Berry

sugar berry blue.
cupcake moon and frosted fruit.
a blueberry you.