Friday, November 2, 2007

Will You Cupcake Me?

There are a few things that I have always loved. It could be said that if you have known me for a few years, you have at one point or another been affected by my love of weddings. Not my own wedding per say (though, trust me, it has come up now and again,) but the whole idea of weddings (what most people get caught up in anyway.) I love to watch them, read about them, attend them, and maybe one day, plan them... something I have been seriously thinking about as a little detour in a few years.

However, just because I might have forced my previous boyfriends, roommates, family members (I am SO sorry) to watch TLC's 'A Wedding Story' every morning at 11am (even if it was a repeat) that does not mean that I have lost all touch with reality.

For instance. I love weddings AND I love cupcakes.

However, some things should never be combined in gold lame. If (pause) a boy gave me a gold ring with a jeweled cupcake on top for any other reason than a hilarious 'gag' gift, I would call that... a DEAL BREAKER.

I would immediately leave, break up with, end it, post it, email it, IM it, myspace it, text it...

It would be OVER.

And all because one confused soul decided it would be a swell idea to dip a cupcake in gold. There are many things appropriate for a cupcake to be dipped in... unfortunately, gold is NOT one of them.

End note: Of course none of the above would apply to someone that I truly loved. BUT it would have to be the kind of 'will you cupcake me?' down-on-one-knee kind of love. I know it's out there... just leave the cupcake diamond at home.

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