Happy New Year to you, and to me.
With this day of new, I'd like to reflect on that which I resolutely resolve to reach this 2009, including but not limited to...
1. Health. This means yoga, soccer, spinning, running and yes, having my cupcake and eating it, too. In moderation of course.
2. Family. Always the first on the list. Or second.
3. Boys. Can't live with 'em, but most certainly cannot live without them. Especially now that I'm like, a day away from 30. And by a day, I mean three years plus.
4. Work. Lord help me. Seriously, I welcome divine intervention. Some direction, a sign maybe? Throw in a good word with the matchmaker while you're at it- thanks.
5. Quality of Life. Let there be fun. Let LA grow on me (a little.) Let traffic subside and the air be smog-free. Okay, I'm reaching.
You get it. This is a good year. A year of change, and progress. Always move forward I say...
To 2009.
Go team. xx